
Depression & Anxiety

The idea that if an individual isn’t happy all the time, then they must be doing something wrong, just sets one up for disappointment. Life has ups and downs and it is normal to have feelings of anxiety or depression from time to time. They are two natural emotions. However, when those natural emotions turn excessive and consistently interfere with your life, it may be a sign that it is time to seek for support.

At Mau Therapy, you are given the space to address the struggles you are facing; you will be supported and encouraged to find ways that can help you to cope better so that when similar struggles occur, you are equipped to handle them. Typically, depression is a lingering low, sad, or hopeless mood, while anxiety mainly involves overwhelming feelings of worry, nervousness, and fear. Someone with depression often experiences symptoms similar as someone experiencing anxiety and vice versa. Understanding the difference and gaining the tools to cope with these issues can make a big difference in your life

It can be tough dealing with the feeling of anxiety or depression but you don’t have to manage them alone. Getting support can go a long way toward helping you find relief. If you think you, a family member or a friend may benefit from my support, feel free to contact me via the form below or by phone.

Just When the Caterpillar Thought the World Was Over it Became a Butterfly
- Chuang Tzu

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+353 894 812 624
