

Like fingerprints, no two human beings are exactly the same. As such we do not respond to stress in the same way. A situation that is stressful for one person may not faze someone else; they may even find it motivating. For example, if a project deadline leaves you overwhelmed and worried, you will likely experience stress. Then again, if the same project deadline makes you feel excited about the positive affect it could have on you, then stress you experience is more likely to be motivating and helpful. The causes and intensity of stress involve some individual variability.

In today’s society, many things can be a source of stress. Stress can affect how you feel, think, behave and how your body works. In fact, some common signs of stress are sleep problems, loss of appetite, muscle tension or stomach ache. You may feel irritable, forgetful or low in self-esteem, and you may have racing thoughts or constantly imagining the worst. You may notice that you lose your temper more easily, drink more or act irrationally.

At Mau therapy, I focus on helping you exploring ways that can help you to identify and understand sources of your stress, and learn skills that will able you to live a healthy lifestyle. If you think you may be struggling with stress that is affecting your daily life. If you think seeking therapeutic support may help you, you are welcome to drop me a line in the contact box below or give me a phone call.

You can't control the wind, but you can adjust your sails
- Jimmy Dean

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+353 894 812 624
